Haedong Science Foundation Makes 500 Million Won Donation to UNIST

Haedong Science & Culture Foundation delivered KRW 500 million to the UNIST Development Fund.

Haedong Science and Culture Foundation has donated KRW 500 million to the UNIST Development Fund.

The donation ceremony was held in Headong Building, Seoul on Thursday, April 26, 2018. It was attended by Chairman Jung-sik Kim of Haedong Science Foundation and Hyeon Suk Shin, Dean of Public Relations Team at UNIST.

Established in 1991 by President Jung-sik Kim of Daeduck Electronics Co., Ltd., the Haedong Science and Culture Foundation is a public utility foundation, aiming at nurturing science and engineering talents and carrying out industrial technology promotion projects.

The foundation has been doing its utmost to promote accelerated industrial growth and advanced science education through various social contribution activities, including Haedong Awards, Scholarship Project, as well as Educational Infrastructure Improvement Project.

The donation will be used to establish “Headong Academic Convergence Café” on the 2nd floor of Engineering Building IV. The new facility will feature a lounge, high-tech conference rooms for technical advice and faculty meetings, and coffee station. It will serve as a specialized space that supports faculty exchange, as well as the development of interdisciplinary research both within and beyond the university.

“We greatly appreciate the support from Haedong Science and Culture Foundation,” says President Mooyoung Jung of UNIST. “We hope that the new facility will of great help to researchers and students to successfully carry out interdisciplinary research.”