The 54th Congregation of Lingnan University President S. Joe Qin: Lingnan will realise its vision by implementing four fundamental priorities

Lingnan University in Hong Kong held its 54th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees today (16 November) with Council Chairman Mr Andrew Yao Cho-fai and Deputy Council Chairman Mr Augustine Wong Ho-ming presiding. This year the University conferred degrees on 2,473 graduates, of whom 719 were undergraduates, 1,721 masters, 30 doctors, and 110 postgraduate diploma holders (of whom 107 graduates were awarded both a Master of Accountancy and a Postgraduate Diploma in Accountancy).

Lingnan University holds its 54th Congregation on 16 November.

Lingnan University in Hong Kong held its 54th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees today (16 November) with Council Chairman Mr Andrew Yao Cho-fai and Deputy Council Chairman Mr Augustine Wong Ho-ming presiding. This year the University conferred degrees on 2,473 graduates, of whom 719 were undergraduates, 1,721 masters, 30 doctors, and 110 postgraduate diploma holders (of whom 107 graduates were awarded both a Master of Accountancy and a Postgraduate Diploma in Accountancy).


This being the first data science undergraduate programme of Lingnan University, the LEO Dr David P. Chan Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Data Science (BScDS) had its first cohort of 19 graduates.


In his address, Prof S. Joe Qin, President and Wai Kee Kau Chair Professor of Data Science of Lingnan University congratulated the graduates, and wished them all the best in their future endeavours. He said that Lingnan will focus on implementing four fundamental priorities to realise its vision ⸺ being a leading liberal arts research university in the digital age.


“First, we are determined to bridge the gap between traditional programmes and the digital revolution. Our staff and students are provided with free access to ChatGPT and GPT 4.0, enabling us to stay at the forefront of digital innovation. Our second priority is the seamless integration of the arts and sciences, providing a truly liberal arts environment where students have the freedom to explore interdisciplinary subjects, equipping them with critical thinking skills and competitive professional skills. Third, we aim to strengthen our connections both locally and globally as we are geographically the closest local university to Shenzhen and are the gateway to the Northern Metropolis. Fourth, we embrace our rich history and heritage of 135 years as elucidated in Lingnan's motto, ‘Education for Service’,” said President Qin.


President Qin leaves all graduates with a quote from Nelson Mandela: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”, adding that he has no doubt that all graduates will remember that and make a positive impact on the world.

In his address, President S. Joe Qin says that Lingnan University is committed to being a leading liberal arts research university in the digital age.

Published: 16 Nov 2023

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Lingnan University
8 Castle Peak Road
Tuen Mun
Hong Kong

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