Outlook of Science and Technology Diplomacy in the Pandemic

The SciREX Open Forum’s 10th session will invite Dr. Yoichiro Matsumoto who assumed the position of the 2nd S&T Advisor to Japan's Minister of Foreign Affairs as a speaker to talk about what we can see from the pandemic, how S&T Diplomacy should be in the ongoing pandemic, and what actually can be done.

With Science and Technology (S&T) and International Relations becoming more and more intertwined, gradually surfaced from around 2010 is S&T Diplomacy. Amid the global movement of establishing the International Network for Government Science Advice (INGSA) that advices the governments from scientific viewpoints, and the Foreign Ministries S&T Advice Network (FMSTAN), Japan for the first time created a post of S&T Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs in 2015 to advice on S&T-related diplomatic policies and strengthen networking with relevant people in and outside Japan. Today, facing such global challenges as responding to the new corona virus diseases and attaining SDGs, and the start of new administration in the U.S., the role of S&T and the importance of S&T Diplomacy are ever more recognized.

The SciREX Open Forum’s 10th session will invite Dr. Yoichiro Matsumoto who assumed the position of the 2nd S&T Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs as a speaker to talk about what we can see from the pandemic, how S&T Diplomacy should be in the ongoing pandemic, and what actually can be done. The focus will be on what kind of measures are being taken and what the future outlook will be. During the discussion time, Dr. Takashi Shiraishi, Advisor to the SciREX Center, who has been deeply involved in S&T Diplomacy ever since the establishment of the S&T Advisor position, will join the session to talk about the history of S&T diplomacy and possible future activities.

Date & Time: Tuesday, March 9, 2021. 18:30-19:30(JST)
Registration: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xzdM1QuSTpiaA6hGdZ8dsw

Speaker and moderator
Speaker:Yoichiro Matsumoto, S&T Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Commentator: Takashi Shiraishi, Advisor to the SciREX Center
Moderator: Atsushi Sunami, Director, SciREX Center

English and Japanese simultaneous translation service to be provided