Science Communication Organisations

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Science communication organisations play a big role in supporting journalists, science communicators and the public. Here we list a few of them. 

Science Journalist Associations

Journalist associations foster communities for professional learning and growth. Members are provided access to knowledge resources, workshops and events, and even mentoring opportunities. 

Organisations supporting Science Journalists

These organisations offer support and training to science journalists.

If you would like to add more resources to these pages, please email us at info AT Please note that these resources are provided for information only and should not be taken as endorsement. Users are adviced to do their own diligent research before using any of these resources.


For 10 years, Asia Research News has worked with Pertanika journals to select newsworthy papers, write press releases and connecting journalists with the research. Its services are a great help to disseminate research and inform the public
Pertanika Journals
ARN's news monitoring reports helps me track new studies published by Hiroshima university's researchers It makes the research discovery aspect of my work easier.
Mikas Matsuzawa, International Communications Manager, Hiroshima University
Asia Research News was a valuable resource for my story on gender equality in China's science industry - part of the South China Morning Post's International Women's Day 2022 series. Thank you ARN, and your extensive network of researchers, with special thanks to those who kindly helped with my exploration of why there are so few women in China’s top science institutes, and recent measures meant to bridge the gender gap.
Holly Chik - Reporter, China Desk, South China Morning Post
“I believe this service would be very useful, inspiring and will motivate us to develop our institution, especially through more research activities and to develop new and innovative programs.”
Vice Rector, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
"Beautiful graphics, pictures that convey the atmosphere wherein research happens, nice facial expressions of researchers... it's lovely."
Kanazawa University, Japan
“The research news is very interesting and informative.”
UNEP Asia Pacific